The Boat That We Built

Animated Music Video

This music video is a collaboration with artist Emma Johnson, musician Dan Licht and ceramic artist Anton Todd Ceramics.

The Boat That We Built is a song Dan wrote and recorded as a kind of farewell and epilogue to a particularly turbulent time in his life.

The Boat That We Built in both song and in its visual representation is essentially an elaborate metaphor for grief, loss of identity and ultimately the letting go required to move on.

Dan Licht & I storyboarded ideas for a music clip following the journey of a boat in a bottle. During this gestation period we met a ceramic artist, Anton Todd, whose work resonated and appeared perfectly suited to the sombre quirkiness that we had in mind. The final clip blends hand-drawn animation with stop-motion using Anton’s ceramic buildings and the little boat.

Date May 2015

Skills Involved Handrawn, stop frame and computer generated animation.

